Friday 21 March 2014

Film Club | February.

Feeling very belated on this one, but then I didn't watch that many last month really. I feel like making a small promise to myself to be a little more timely because I do quite enjoy recording the process quite a bit, especially when it lends itself so easily to a format like Pinterest. Here are this month's films:

  1. The Great Gatsby
  2. Burn After Reading
  3. Dredd
  4. The Spectacular Now
  1. August: Osage County
  2. The Act of Killing
  3. Awful Nice
  4. Magic Mike
  1. The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman
  2. Escape Plan
  3. The Call
Favourite: The Call – I probably has to be, considering I actually watched it twice in the space of a week, mainly because there's a scene in it that I really needed to talk about with Moon and he wasn't who I watched it with. It was pretty gripping for something I thought would be terrible, so I put my hands up and admit that I judged Halle Berry unnecessarily harshly. I'm pretty into crime stuff right now so I guess it just caught me at the right time.

Second Favourite: Dredd – Probably not one if you're not one for gore, and usually I'm not really but I really quite liked it all the same. It was really fast-paced and tense, just what you need for a post-apocalyptic future action film!

Least Favourite Ha, most of them... August: Osage County/Magic Mike – I seem to have been tricked into watching pretty unnecessarily long films with nothing-characters this month.

I was really disappointed with August: Osage County because I thought it would be A) funny or B) mainly drama but at least relatable, it was neither of those, just stressful and frustrating.

Magic Mike was a really, really popular film while I was working at the cinema so I was finally ready to see what all the fuss was about - not much, there I said it. None of the men in it do it for me at all, which I guess is the point of the film? Matthew McConaughey is nice at all but hardly in it and I'm sorry, no one will ever convince me Channing Tatum really has anything about him. The 'really juicy' bits are just cringe and although parts of it are dark it's ultimately a bit boring. I don't care how many guys asses you see in a film, it's not impressive.

I guess last month was a pretty weak one for good movies, to be honest, this month isn't fairing much better.
Oscar season is well and truly over, I guess. That said, I have been immersing myself in the cracking 'True Detective', which I'd definitely recommend (and so would everyone). Also, The Walking Dead has been amazing since its mid-season break. I guess there's too much good American TV to catch up on and with most of them being an hour long, I've just been watching them instead.

How are you fixed for television and films right now? Anything that you'd recommend I watch before March comes to an end?

Look Back –
Film Club | January.

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