Thursday 20 February 2014

Film Club 2014 | January.

I've had this planned for quite a long time, for the last couple of years I've tried to keep a list of every film I've watched, which is much trickier than it sounds. Then I discovered that I actually could have some kind of real use for Pinterest and it became easier.

I know we're well into February now but I thought, as watching films is such a big part of my life, my watching habits are something that I wanted to share on here. I'm so pumped for the Oscars and have enjoyed all parts of the Awards Season so far, finding out how right (and wrong) I get to be with predictions and taking in the celebration of film.

I think 2014 is going to be a really interesting year for movies, with new films I've seen already making it into my favourites of all time. So here are the films I watched in January, a combination of very new and not so new, a pretty fine start if I do say so myself.

  1. The Terminal
  2. American Hustle
  3. Carrie (2013)
  4. Uncle Buck
  1. Sound City
  2. 12 Years A Slave
  3. House at the End of the Street
  4. The Wolf of Wall Street
  1. Her
  2. Inside Llewyn Savis
  3. In A World...
  4. Last Vegas
  1. We're the Millers
  2. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  3. The Hunt
  4. Filth
  1. Dallas Buyers Club

Favourite: 'The Wolf of Wall Street' – Believe the hype. Leo is fantastic, the whole film is an assault on the senses and despite tipping the 3 hour mark, it's fast-paced, funny and has more than enough to keep you interested. Plus, Jonah Hill's teeth, omg.

Second Favourite: 'Dallas Buyers Club' – It's a film about aids, I don't know how they made it fun but it works. Matthew McConaughey really shows that he's a great character actor and actually allows you to see the softer side to homophobic degenerate, Ron Woodroof. If you miss out on this, not only will you be missing out on a touching story, you'll also be missing out on the resemblance between Jared Leto dragged up and the beautiful Zooey Deschanel - I can't unsee it.

Less Favourite: 'American Hustle' – I DO NOT GET IT! It's pretty, everyone in it is very good, the soundtrack is alright but it's a film with no middle. The beginning and end are strong, I like Christian Bale's potbelly and Jennifer Lawrence is brilliant but there was a big lack of any 'hustle' to maintain my interest.

Least Favourite: 'House at the End of the Street' – I'd heard good things about this but I can't for the life of me work out who from. This was a 'just pick anything' move from Netflix when round my friend Laura's house, I regret it. I generally hate slasher films as I just don't find them scary but on top of a really overshadowed motive, this one jumped about so much it made hardly any sense. J-Law is good, but even she couldn't save this one.

How I 'do' Film Club: I'm defining Film Club as any film I can sit more than halfway through, including ones I watch on TV, I'm amazed at how many great films I've discovered super late at night on BBC Two - Grey Gardens, anyone?

You can keep up with my recent watchings with my Film Club 2014 board on Pinterest.

I really am hoping this is something I can keep up with and not just flake out on like numerous Photo A Day projects I've tried and failed at. I think with monthly updates it's much less intense, let's give it a go!

I'd love to keep up with what you've been watching too and if you have any recommendations I'd love to hear from you.


  1. I'm doing this, this year too :) i'm writing mine on excel but pintrests a really good idea x

    1. I do have a notebook too, but weirdly that's really easy to forget. Pinterest is the way forward!


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