Tuesday 18 February 2014

Welcome to the UK, Smiggle!

I was pretty excited when I was asked to look at some Smiggle products ahead of their first UK store launch at Westfield Stratford on 20th February. Firstly because it was my first ever PR sample and secondly, I can't get enough of cute stationery, I just wish I had more time to put it to good use.

I've always got time for a mechanical pencil and those highlighters are scented.

An amalgamation of 'smile' and 'giggle', Smiggle was born in Melbourne, Australia in 2003, and they're all about fun pens, notebooks and gadgets. With their first UK store opening in a matter of days and stores in Reading, Brighton and Kingston due to follow by the end of March, Smiggle are looking to make stationery exciting again!

I was really impressed with all the products I was sent, without a bad word to say about any of them really, even if that cute mouse calculator seems to have run out of batteries (I really wanted to write boobies on it for the photos). How great is that gel pen case? Definitely brought me back to being 10 and my obsession with smell gels, it was a bit of a shame that the gel pen in my favourite colour was a leaker but I think that's kind of part of the nostalgia too.

My favourites were easily the headphones, I wasn't expecting much but they're actually brilliant. Maybe I don't know too much about audio but I know everything I've listened to with them has been clear with the just the right amount of depth, making any song from Kanye to Taylor Swift (plus artists and bands I actually listen to) sound great.

I'm really willing Smiggle to do well, I mean, I still have love for Paperchase but it's nice to see a change and I'll definitely be heading to their Reading store once it opens if I can't make it to Westfield Stratford before then.

What do you think of Smiggle? Are you a bit of a stationery-fiend too?

You can keep up with Smiggle on all the usual social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram ahead of their big launch on Thursday and if you can't wait until then, you can have a preview of their products over on their Australian site.

*All products sent as a PR sample for review; views are my own.


  1. I LOVE Smiggle, and it's so exciting to hear they've made it overseas! I'm such a lover of stationary!

    1. I'm really looking forward to seeing what their physical stores look like.


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