Thursday 24 January 2013

Snow More.

It's been a week since there was pretty, fluffy white snow falling from the sky. Now in it's place is weird, crispy ice. I nearly fell and broke my neck this morning, I didn't, but the risk was there and that's why this weather is horrid.

It sure was pretty before it was ruined (since it's such an inconvenience) though, so here are some photos I took during Friday and Saturday's snow days. This weekend is still looking to be a bit quiet, thanks to lack of funds but I'm sure it will do me some good to rest.

After the 10 minute walk from the station to home / Some how the tunnel to our garden was filled with snow!

It's so funny how invisible Doll is in these pictures, I'm sure she's not this white in person.

Sometimes I think it's pretty funny that people always comment on what a beaut she is, because yeah, she is, but she's so naughty and annoying the other 99% of the time that I don't notice it until I take a step back.

This poor guy's head is now on the floor, but we used his nose in tonight's chicken enchiladas so it's okay.

Moon's wearing socks on his hands because he doesn't own any gloves...

Cat bully.

I also thought I'd share my soundtrack of last weekend with you too, all of some of my favourite songs at the moment that I can't stop listening to, I'm sure I'll be blaring this out on this Saturday and Sunday morning too, definitely rekindled my love with Spotify.


  1. I don't care if your cat's naughty, I'd come and steal it anyday haha- she's gorgeous! Your snowman's not a bad lookin' chap either ;D

    1. My snowman is (was, his head fell off) so creepy, it was so eerie looking out the bathroom window and have him peaking in. :O

  2. I love looking through people's snow pictures! There's been nothing in Manchester really for some reason and I'm pretty annoyed! Your cat is so cute :) I love the picture of her on top of the snowman. xx

    1. It's so nice to take photos in the snow, I love how it makes everything look super clean. I'm amazed by how much we've had, quite glad to see the back of it, but we're meant to have more soon :\

  3. Aww lovely snowy pics! Esp the last one, loving the cat/snowman combo :)

    Lyndsay ♡
    Fizzy Peaches


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