Friday 23 August 2013

Flavrbox for August

Another month, another wonderful box from my friends at Flavrbox. I really do look forward to new boxes each month and continuing to recommend them, I'm also pretty thankful for how much they've made me stand up and take notice of more independent brands in the last year and a bit.

I've definitely noticed a change in my food shopping habits, I now prefer getting fruit and veg from greengrocers, farm shops and markets now over the supermarket, there's so much more to see, which is funny considering the nearest supermarket to us is the size of an air hanger...

[Raspberry Coulis, Best of Taste Co.]
I really am not sure what to make of this, I think I liked it but only in so much that I liked it as a coulis and I don't really like coulis. My biggest appreciation for this was the great recipe for white chocolate cheesecake that it came with - and went very well with too. Sorry for the sloppy splodges but we weren't really sure want to do with it. I think if you love the tartness that raspberries can have sometimes and you like fancy dessert sauces you're going to like it because it was nice, it's just not really for me.

[Magic BBQ Dust Rub, Best of Taste Co.]
This is probably this month's little let down. We gave it a go with burgers and I must admit that it didn't add the amount of flavour to the meat that I was expecting. After my GBB winnings, maybe I'm a bit of a 'rub snob' but this didn't really do it for me. It was accompanied by some great ways to use it other than as a rub though, which I was pretty impressed by and given that I'm pretty overloaded with rubs now, that little card is sure to come in handy.

[Madagasgar Vanilla Fudge, Yum Yum Tree Fudge]
You can never go wrong with fudge. As we had it when the weather was so warm, I left it in the fridge and was a little worried it would ruin it, but it was still creamy and delicious, perfect for picking at every now and then.

[Italian Herb Peanuts & Hazelnuts // Zanzibar Nuts & Seads, Mr Filbert's Inventive Snacks]
These were great for snacks at work although my eyes did pop out of my head when I saw the calorie content. The Zanzibar Nuts & Seeds were really interesting with an orangey/gingery overtone, I think I liked them best out of the two.

[Sweet Chilli Jam, Eddie's Chilli Jam]
I remember trying a few of these when I went to Taste of London a couple of months ago, my favourite was their scotch bonnet one, but this one is pretty great too, perfect on crackers with strong cheddar. I'm always fascinated by the different kinds of jam people can make.

Don't forget to 'Follow' and 'Like' Flavrbox in the respective places and be sure to check out their blog too.

1 comment:

  1. Those Zanzibar nuts & seeds sound delicious! I'm always tempted to sign up for this but worry that I'd end up not using the stuff! xx


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