Monday 12 August 2013


Although pretty much all I yammer on about is how much time we spend together and all the things we do, it feels like it's been a little while since Moon and I headed out and explored. After what felt like the biggest sleep ever and an obligatory hearty Saturday brunch (of ham & mushroom omelette), we took ourselves on a mini roadtrip through the Oxfordshire countryside ending up in Henley - which is actually not as far away from us as it's always felt.

It was a great way to spend the afternoon, especially since it was the first time in a while that I haven't driven.

I've been putting Sriracha hot sauce on absolutely everything lately, my goodness is it great with any sort of eggs!

First stop on our little trip was Goring, on recommendation of our friend Kirstin. There wasn't a whole lot there but it was really pretty, I think if we weren't counting the pennies for our upcoming holiday, it would have been a great place to stop for lunch, it's full of wonderful-looking pubs.

Saturday was the day for vintage shops, apparently Oxfordshire loves them. We spotted Barbara's while parking the car, it's just next to the car park in the centre of the village - full of really fun finds, although nothing really took my fancy enough for me to take anything home.

Dog umbrella stand.

If there are cats, I will find them.

For the love of chickens(!)

Things that make me wish I had a boat...

We found a little café/independent food shop attached to The Swan at Streatley, unfortunately I'm not sure I remember the name correctly - may have been 'The Boathouse'? - but can you guess why I liked it?

Pantry dreamz.

Moon treated us to tasty ice creams, gotta love Jude's

Onward to Henley and The Vintage Look, another great thrift store that was perfect for a nosey and a mooch.

Birthday gift ideas aplenty.

Moon fell head over heels for this record store.

Prepping my sea legs for Northern Ireland - definitely admitting to being pathetically wobbly...

Moon loves to live on the edge so we had to stop for petrol on the 45-minute trip home...

There was a lot of pottering to be had, but what are Saturday afternoons really for?

See you soon, Henley.


  1. Gorgeous pictures :) looks like you had a lovely little adventure!
    Kaz at Sunshine Days x


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