Monday 9 September 2013

Late-August Public Garden.

After spending the last few hours we had in Northern Ireland wandering around a rather drizzly but sweaty Belfast Botanic Gardens, I'm still going to come away from it saying that every park ever should be like this one.

It's filled with windy trails and secret-garden-type corners and it's so well maintained and full of beautiful flowers. On top of all of that, it's got a palm house, essentially a large green house but it's full to the brim with both exotic and local plants, which are again really well looked after.

It was sunny for about five minutes the whole time we were in Belfast until just before we left for the airport, the only real rain we had the whole week(!)

I nerded out a little over the succulents, and felt a little sad that mine are so teeny in comparison, I could do great things if I had my own palm house...

I sure wish we'd planted some of these again this year, will definitely suggest if we're still here next summer, I love the different pops of colour they bring.

I love statues!

Even if it was a bit wet, it was something I wasn't quite expecting or planning but I'm glad we saw it. I was pretty amazed that they allow the public to use the space for free, it made me feel pretty privileged to have found such a gem when I wasn't looking.


  1. I love the Palm House; we used to go to the museum a lot when I was little and I liked going to the Palm House to look at the terrapins they had there. I'm really enjoying this series of yours; I'm a Belfast native and currently doing a Masters at Queens but it's really nice to see the city through somebody else's eyes xx

    1. Wow, didn't know there were terrapins there! Thanks for the nice feedback, I'm just glad somebody is reading. I should really know more about Belfast then I do, I'm hoping that my boyfriend's dad living in Northern Ireland will mean I get to see a lot more of it, we have some making up to do.

  2. I love Botanical Gardens and huge Victorian Conservatories - the one in Edinburgh being a favorite of mine! The first time I actually visited one I was rather surprised just how much I enjoyed it as i'm really not a big garden kind of person! Where i'm living now in Michigan there's a few that are in zoo's and have a double use as a butterfly house too!

    Great post!

    1. Thank you! That's pretty cool, it's a shame you don't see them so much anymore.


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