Wednesday 30 October 2013

Seeing Seals.

First up on our whistle-stop tour of Norfolk was seal watching. I was reminded of a trip to Cornwall a couple of years ago when we visited the National Seal Sanctuary in Gweek. With the involvement of a boat and the actual sea, and after seeing one of Kirstin's photos from her last trip, it's safe to say I was pretty excited, especially to see seals in their natural environment.

There are quite a few different operators at Morston Bay to choose from but we went with Bean's Boat Trips on the recommendation of Dan's mum - they were pretty good at making sure everyone got a fair view of the seals and their branding and uniform matched so neatly with Moon's outfit that day.

The Beaniest passenger.

Even though it got a little drizzley, it was just as great to see the seals as I had anticipated and we were even allowed to get off the boat and have a (damp) walk around Blakeney Point to get a proper look at the pretty Lifeboat House and have a walk along along the tiny beach there.

I'd definitely recommend the whole trip, it was such good value for money at just £10 each, especially since seal watching seems to be one of the 'things to do' when visiting the area. I kind of regret not bringing my longer lens because I think I could have got a few better ones if I had - I thought I'd not brought it but found it at the bottom of my holdall once we got in /facepalm/. That said, I'm still pretty pleased with what I did get and it was a refreshing way to start the day, great for clearing the head.


  1. It is a great trip. We went on a slightly different version that did not involve stopping, but go tvery close to them in the water.

    1. It's so nice that they're so willing to come so close. Norfolk is definitely on my list to visit again,

  2. That is just incredible, what a wonderful trip!

  3. soooo cute
    looks like such a fun day

    1. It was great to see them in the wild like that, I'd love to do it again!


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