Sunday 9 May 2010


Original films apparently aren't the best.
I have seen three movies over the last two days and none of them were good.
Triangle - was unnecessarily confusing, repetitive and left no explanation.
The Grudge 3 (Girl in Black) - shot on a handycam, dull, with no scares whatsoever.
The Human Centipede - the less said about that, the better, I actually feel sick that we sat all the way through it. It's the worst film I've ever seen, in terms of concept and message - in that it has literally none apart from an underlying preachy one from the clearly disturbed writer, Tom Six. I do not care if this is meant to be a horror or a dark comedy, it's actually disgusting.

I have finished all my work for this semester, now I have to find some things to do with myself.
I think I'll sort and tidy when I've handed everything in.
We still don't have anywhere to live next term, which is a little bit worrying, but, there is still enough time and, like I said, I have nothing to do now anyway. The fact it's a bit worrying means that the unbelievably nice house we saw yesterday is even more disappointing, we would have had to move in now and pay over the summer, something we cannot do. Sigh, it was so wonderful and cheap.

Enjoy this. Back soon.
This blog is a year old next week. I'm pretty happy that I've kept it up.

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