Wednesday 5 January 2011

Next project.. gonna be about my spending habits surrounding clothing.
I'm keeping all receipts, photographing the new clothes 'as items' and documenting each outfit I wear once a month for a week. It will last three months and I'm going to show the project in a book with large prints for exhibition purposes.
I'll hopefully be able to just use natural lighting and most of the images will be accompanied by text. The text will include; where the items of clothing are from - shop, town, how much they cost, the weather and the date.

I'm not sure whether I'm going to like what I find, but I'm hoping it will help me in the real world. One of my New Years resolutions is to spend less by giving myself an allowance. This will affect the project, but I am very bad with money so I should imagine that the project will still be doable.

Now to finish off my dissertation - I had to get this idea typed up so I can work to writing it in a proposal, it also helps me to remember that it exists. I was starting to get panicky as I didn't have a solid idea yet and the presentation date wasn't getting any further away.

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