Sunday 15 December 2013

Tree Time!

It's 10 days to go until Christmas...
I've had my tree up since the 1st, my name's Ruth and I'm a Christmas-tree-aholic.

Last year was a much bigger deal when it came to putting up the Christmas tree, it was the first one we've decorated and owned together and the first Christmas in our little flat.

This year, there's no reason for it, we just enjoy it, plus we won't be spending actual Christmas together at all again this year so the longer we get to enjoy the tree the better - we were enjoying it wayyy more until the lights stopped working for no reason, but hey, we have some wicked-cool decorations to make up for it, it's so hard to pick a favourite.

We've had a few cat-related mishaps this year which has resulted in our poor tree having a very bare bottom but I'm very pleased with our efforts - it was so exciting to open the Christmas box for the first time.


  1. One of our cats keeps eating out Christmas tree (a fake one) she won't learn ... sigh.

    1. They love them, don't they? It would be quite cute if it wasn't so annoying!


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