Thursday 9 August 2012

Appreciation for The Royal Tenenbaums.

I'm not a 'sport person', and as the girlfriend of someone who is, I thought I'd be spending the Olympic fortnight fighting my way to watch any television. Turns out, that Moon is just as sick of it as I am, and we've been spending the last couple of evenings opting for films over anything that's been on, as the selection as either been Olympics-related, dire or repeats.

Last night we went for one of my favourites that I don't think I'd ever shared with him before and some how he'd never seen, The Royal Tenenbaums. I adore it, I love Wes Anderson films anyway as they're easy watching as well as being beautiful to look at.

The Royal Tenenbaums is no exception, you could pause it on any scene and create a perfectly composed photograph. There are subtle looks and lighting tricks, Wes Anderson is an amazing photographer, and I think the same can be said of his other films too, but The Royal Tenenbaums is exceptional.

If you haven't heard of it, the film follows the Tenenbaum family upon the deceptive re-entry of patriarch, Royal into the family home after he discovers he's broke. There's romance, absurdity and a bit of fighting. It also features some of my favourite actors and actresses, possibly before they were as well known as the film is now 11 years old. I wanted to share some stills with you because I think they're pretty, and I hope you'll like them too, it's a must-watch.

Related to this, have you seen some of the crazy things Bill Murray does in his spare time? Have a read of Ranker's The 7 Greatest Real Bill Murray Stories Ever Told, they're quite something.
Also, my friend Izzy has done a couple of great Royal Tenenbaums illustrations, have a look at her website.


  1. i havent seen this movie is AGES! I LOVE IT SOO MUCH! nice post :)

    1. I think it's important to watch it as often as possible, it's such a great film.

  2. This is my all time favourite film! It's beautiful, and the soundtrack is amazing too. I always smile when I hear These Days by Nico and feel sad when I hear Needle in the Hay by Elliott Smith x

    1. I love the soundtrack too, particularly the 'Hey Jude' instrumental at the beginning, so well selected.


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