Friday 14 September 2012

Nose to Nose.

The barbecue we had last Saturday evening was a great opportunity to show off my culinary skillz, and I did just that, before also showing off my drinking ability (read lack of) by 'necking' two bottles of wine at lightening speed, never a good idea, ever. It was a lovely evening though, and we were very well prepared for hosting, making salads, and extra bits as well as picking up some candles from Cargo for sitting outside, which worked a treat.

*If you happen to be interested, the photography nerd in me wanted to tell you that as in love with my new Nikon 1 as I am, so far it's not doing great when shooting in lower light. This is something I'm not pleased with as I'd expect a better performance, both from Nikon but also from a camera that cost as much and allows for interchangeable lenses.

Although it's pre-bought, making puff-pastry anything is always so satisfying and delicious.

I made homemade lemonade, it didn't end up suiting the palette of people who just wanted to drink but turned out to be my best batch.
I definitely recommend buying loose lemons if you're going to attempt this as they seem to be much more juicy. I used the same amount of lemons as usual but got twice as much juice!

Moon's mum gave us this because she's moving soon, and it finally got some use, even if it doesn't suit carrot and celery sticks that well, my snack selection went down well.

She hovered around as usual and I gave her a bit of a hard time with lots of kisses and cuddles. I asked her why she doesn't love me yesterday and she put her paw in my face :(

Bottle #2 before food, such an awful idea. But thanks to Sam for selecting a nice wine, turns out it goes down easy...

Sam & Moon.

Putting candles to the test.

We rounded up the evening with the 'Breaking Bad Drinking Game', a silly idea, especially since I now feel as though I've missed out on the two episodes we watched. I'm well and truly into it though, have to pace myself though or I can see it will be easy to get a little obsessed.

Despite what my head might have told you on Sunday morning, it was a great evening. In fact, it's evenings like this that make me glad that we're in for warmer weather for the near future as we didn't do enough of this when the weather should have been nice. It's so good to be well and truly settled in.

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