Thursday 17 February 2011

Half a result?

So for some reason we're not getting our marks for our dissertation back until the 3rd of March, but they generously decided to hand out our 'provisional' Set Brief marks today. This annoyed me on a few levels but the main one being that on the sheet of paper with my results on it says that they assessed my work on 29th January, which is quite a while ago really. I really let myself down a bit in the end.
I did get a solid 2:1 though, which seems to be the story of my University life. Don't get me wrong, a 2:1 is great but it isn't a 1st. I know it's a fair mark but I also know that I could have done better. I'm really willing for my dissertation to at least match it now though because otherwise, what is the point of this year? I would have no friends to fall back on if I had to retake anyway.
So I could have actually pushed for a first in this project but the final presentation let me down and I only got a 2:2 in it, which paired up with the 2 1sts and 2:1 brought it down to middle ground. I hate that they show you where you went wrong, I only want praise, I still got a good mark.

So this week has been one huge slack in terms of the fact that I should at least be doing research even if my idea isn't particularly solid. I'm going home tonight to sort my head out, plus I'm seeing Russell Howard at the O2 on Saturday. I think being in London doing things will allow me to come back to my work as a fresh on Monday. I hope so anyway...

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