Saturday 26 February 2011

Gabriella, 1.

So I've dived into this project, and I think I could get pretty comfortable doing this with strangers, although I have no idea what we would talk about and it did take about an hour. But the next few shoots I have are friends too so it won't be such a big deal.

This afternoon, my old housemate, Gabriella let me colour co-ordinate her wardrobe. She has quite a lot of black so I broke it up for her. I think I will change certain aspects of the colour co-ordination depending on the people, I think colour co-ordination photographed the same way each time could become a bit monotonous. Once again, I feel like I have to stress that the organisation is purely to look good visually.
So, once I'd finished photographing, we had a catch-up and then I thought I'd better ring Moon to come and pick me up, so I completely to forgot to ask her the questions I had prepared. The questions/answers kind of anchor the meaning of the project, but I emailed them to her so I reckon she'll get them back to me in a couple of days. But it's not like the work is ready to go up on a wall next week or anything.

I'm using a pretty deadpan style again, my tutor was suggesting maybe lighting the wardrobe from within or something but, 1) Gabriella doesn't have a 'closet' wardrobe, 2) that just make it some crazy, moody photos of wardrobes which is wrong on many levels but is unreasonable in terms of this project anyway.

I'm unsure whether I'm going to include the wardrobe owners in it or not, but I quite like this one, purely for the bemused look on her face.
© Ruth Johnston 2011.

I hope that, if I get enough people, I could still produce a book like I wanted to, but it all depends on how I pull it all of anyway. I just feel like I really need to get across the message about unnecessary clothes consumption. I think I'm going to edit these to make the clothing slightly lighter, but I do quite like the light in them anyway. I do worry that some people will have bedrooms with tiny/no windows and no one likes flash.

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