Monday 21 February 2011

My weekend.

I have just had a great weekend back home, now I am back in Portsmouth with even less of an idea of what to do than before. Eep, I took a few more photos for it but they'll be in the next post.

So, I was back home to see Russell Howard with Moon and my sister got me tickets for Christmas and couldn't go. He was so funny and we had a great evening out, even if The O2 does get super-busy.
Here are a few photos from that sort of period, they're all a bit muddled. We also took a trip to Pollock's Toy Museum, which was a bit nostalgic, some of the stuff in there could do with a bit of a spruce up though but then that is also part of it's charm too. I found the best Paperchase in the world too, I'll have to go back there when I have some money, it has everything crafty I could ever want, and once I'm not a student any more I might have some time to feel less guilty about not doing projects and actually do them.

© Ruth Johnston 2011.

Things you forget about when living in Portsmouth:
- How green everything can be.
- Flowers are quite nice.
- There are many other kinds of birds other than seagulls and pigeons.

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