Sunday 22 August 2010

Other words for half.

I've just been given a link to Hafu Japanese, a project similar to the one I'm hoping to do next semester but about half-Japanese people rather than half-Chinese, having read through them, it's really interesting to see the similarities between how they feel about being mixed race and how i feel, as well as this, I've also noticed their divide in culture within their personalities, something I also feel is a part of me.

I was also given a link to The Hapa Project a while ago, which is similar but with more emphasis on Hawaiian ethnicities.
What struck me quickly is that both these projects are linked to being 'half' in the title. I never thought that was that important when considering the title of my project as I've never heard a phrase in half-Chinese that means the same. I feel that it almost gives a sense of the derogatory to the pieces, but that is just one way of looking at it.

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