Thursday 9 December 2010

Text Me.

So, I've had quite a nice amount of praise for my work today, I'm very happy. I had a mini-breakdown and started to feel like I wasn't good enough, so the crit today really helped. I got some nice compliments on how the text to go with my images was written. Here are the Indesign layouts for the text panels, after I was told to tweak their style slightly. They'll probably get another makeover before the hand-in, I'm still a bit torn over the font size of the 'name' text.

If I can pull of the research for this, I might actually get a good mark. I hope I don't end up offending any of my subjects with their text, I mean it's paraphrased but I think I've stuck to what I talked about with them. It took me about a year to print of the text properly, but I think I've finally figured out why, but my printer and I did have a major falling out.

Fellow Maccabees fans should watch this It's delightful and there's been so little of The Maccabees for such a while, I've missed them so much. I've spent most of tonight listening to all their songs. LOVELY LOVELY!

I missed another day of my 365 yesterday, so that's that challenge well and truly failed, I'm kind of getting sick of it to tell you the truth but there are only just over 3 weeks left to go so I'm not really sure what to do. I think it has served it's purpose and I am taking more photographs but I think it's had it's day and I'm going to call it quits. I've lasted a hell of a lot longer than others that I've seen. I'll upload the backlog and then I think that will be it — plus a closing statement obviously.

Even though it is really chilly, I quite like this weather, I like walking around in the morning and feeling ice crunch under my feet.

© Ruth Johnston 2010.

In further Ruth-related news, I have booked another trip to Paris for January, only it will be with my sister, we'll only be staying in and around Disneyland and it's just for the weekend. I booked it, but it's a Christmas present from our mum really, which means it's probably the best present I've ever had. I've also signed up to go to New York with my course in March. Apparently, this school year is a time to man up and go places. I am a bit sad because I'd hoped my first trip to New York would be romantic and with Moon, but at least this way I can scout out the best places and we can be really organised when we eventually get around to going together.
The sunset this afternoon was beautiful.

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