Wednesday 29 September 2010

Oh, Ruth.

I just can't seem to get up the motivation to take a photo of myself.
I have a tutorial tomorrow, but I want advice on how to get more people rather than to be told what to shoot. I think I'll be able to get into the swing of things once I have my first shoot out of the way this weekend. A couple of friends from Coombe are helping me out, they're probably the only other half-Chinese people I actually know apart from myself and my sister. I can understand people not wanted to get involved because what if I wasn't who I said I was, apart from I am and it makes this project pretty frustrating.

I've not been lacklustre in terms of taking photographs, I'm quite liking my D90, but I don't feel as though there is a great deal of difference from the D60 apart from the feeling of it being less easy to break. I've never been much of a pixel-person before but jobgivers can be so it's a bit of an insurance.

I'm sure my work ethic will improve once I've actually had something at Uni (tomorrow) - and I'll get back into the swing of things eventually I'm sure. Although this procrastination is pretty worrying when I have a dissertation due in in January and I haven't even written an opening line.

I would like you to enjoy and notice the difference between the first photo on the left and the second photo on the right. That is a onesy.

© Ruth Johnston 2010.

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