Saturday 12 March 2011

2nd Test.

So here are my images with some lighting. Excuse the backdrop. it will probably need to have the creases edited out. I hope they don't tell me to use the Uni studio because it's not like their backdrops are much better quality than my humble sheet anyway — why buys black bed sheets?

So hopefully this gives more of an idea of what I'm trying to do, these aren't all the items of clothing that I've got and I've since discovered that the wire that was given to me is too stretchy to maintain the weight of some of the clothes, so I'm going to have to work on that to get it tidier and more exact to what I really want. I quite like the classic lighting and I was pretty surprised due to the fact I ended up only using one light, but I wanted more of a contrast to the fabric than an even spread. I might take out a medium-format camera to see if I can get higher-quality results, but I think it's likely that once I've tidied that construction of my subjects that I will just stick with digital. I tried to break away from traditional backdrops but then, I guess there's a reason things are the way they are. I thought the brown looked weird.

© Ruth Johnston 2011.

Obviously these are unedited, but I'll probably get them up to scratch for the crit on Tuesday, I'm hoping to have my first crit of the semester where my work doesn't get practically torn up in front of me. At least the lighting is nice, that's one thing I think I have in my favour so far until I get some proper fishing wire. But I think the 'empty forms' theme is coming through slightly too...

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