Friday 4 March 2011


So a bit of what I'm doing now is about construction and as I'm not particularly good at that kind of thing, I thought it would be a good idea to test it out before I get down to it. It was easier than I thought it would be but I think I was just a bit daunted by it because sculpture has never ever been anything close to my strong point.

I'm going to be hanging clothing that has not been worn by it's owners in a long time or ever and turning them into more desirable objects. So as I mentioned, this still relates to consumerism and slightly to the identity of the wearer but it's much more simplified and conceptual. These are the items that Abbie gave me this morning, it was a mad rush to create something interesting last night.

© Ruth Johnston 2011.

Obviously there isn't anything particularly interesting about these images, but I will eventually be lighting everything properly and using a more interesting backdrop. I am thinking about perhaps steering away from black or white as it could turn more into product photography which isn't the idea, and bringing brighter colours into the images.
As the subjects I was going to use with my last idea are still at hand, I am thinking about just sticking with them (including myself) as despite being of a close age-range, we are all very different. I am asking for 3 never/seldom worn items from each subject.
I think if they are lit well, the images could turn into something quite weird to look at, I am usually aiming for that kind of effect so I'm quite pleased with that.

What I'm worried about is that the Interim Crit is on Tuesday and it's unlikely I'll have much more to show than this due to not really having the time over the weekend...

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