Monday 19 July 2010

Today is Moon's Graduation...

I am watching The Flintstones and waiting in the hotel lounge for his parents to pick us up.
It's been a pretty nice weekend, and we went to see a film last night, where I dropped my popcorn everywhere because either I am mega clumsy or my tights were too slippery. We went to see Predator, which was pretty good and has made me interested in watching the old ones, as it's yet another series of films - along with the Alien quadrilogy - that I have yet to see. I really liked Laurence Fishburne's character.

I forgot my USB cable so I'll be able to put up my photographs from the Grad Ball when I get home.

I'm going to try and 'play photographer' this afternoon to see how my images size up to the photos that Moon has paid to have taken.

1 comment:

  1. Considering the lamety of the "professional" photographer, they're probably not much competition. (They were were pretty crap)


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