Monday 15 November 2010

Bain of my life.

I know it's probably just a coincidence, but if this email was meant specifically for me, I bet the person who drew it up was pissing themselves.
Never had this before.....

I have quite a few photos to put up but I woke up too late to justify putting them up today and I had quite a bit to do too. I slept so badly last night, and I retail therapied myself this afternoon - very disspointed that my dissertation didn't really get off to a flying start today but there's the rest of the evening, even if it is really annoying that the Athens login for journals doesn't seem to be working.
I'm still in a better position than most and my draft deadline isn't until next Thursday anyway; still, getting it done would be great because I wouldn't have to come back to it after Paris, which is only 4 days away!!!

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