Friday 18 June 2010


My O2 Wireless tickets arrived in the post today.

Along with an apt Vice Guide to Festivals booklet, which is almost no use whatsoever and incredibly against most festivals for some reason, thanks Vice, the photos are nice though, even if they are teeny tiny. That's right, that's me kind of dissing Vice, still haven't read this month's issue though..

I completely feel like this today;

I was so bored, everything on TV is going on about football, and I've still got World Cup fever, just because it's more exciting than watching Big Brother - who cares if it's the last ever series, total good riddance.

I've been loving seeing these billboards and adverts all over recently, I'll take a better photograph of my own when I'm next out and about, they have a massive one of everyone in Dorking at the moment. They're from a wonderful art project call 'Got, got, got, need!', for which artist Elliot Quince has created large 'football card' canvases of the stars of the World Cup 2010. The work is currently being exhibited at The Offside Gallery in Islington and all proceeds are going to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital.
© Elliot Quince via Got, Got, Got, Need

I also came across a neat series today which shows the World Cup stars as vegetables/fruit, it's just for absurd amusement really, but I do admire Park Pea-Sung, Frank Yam-pard is a joke though, there's something really awesome to be done with Wayne Rooney, but that's not for me to work out.
© Kyle Platts and Rupert Murphy at Yep via Viceland.

I have re-done my website but there's still stuff to be done, I'm quite proud of what's there at the moment, but I am starting to realise to limitations of Mr Site, despite singing it's praises when I started the site in January.

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