Sunday 24 July 2011

22-24 July — Weekend in Pictures.

Undertook a bit of a 'personal project' this weekend and took a few more photographs than usual. There's nothing spectacular about them, but I kind of like being normal, I'm pretty vanilla like that.

This is what I wore to my interview, it was pretty stressful to find something smart last minute and I didn't have enough funds to snap up a suit. I thought this was pretty appropriate and because of how it was, I'm glad I didn't go for a suit.

Kimono: Primark
Necklaces: Various
Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Vest: H&M
Belt: Dorothy Perkins (with dress)
Tights: M&S
I also wore the brown flats that I bought the day previously, but they were bunion-making so I put off wearing them for as long as possible and wore my Converse whilst on the move. They should be alright once I've adjusted though.

I thought Borough Market was really pretty, so I took a few creepy snaps. I just wish I had had a date to wander around with.

Nom, nom, nom. Definitely prefer raw peas to cooked peas.

I stayed at my Gran's and Moon's this weekend. When I stay at my Gran's, I'm usually in the sunroom on a sofa-bed, this is the first time in ages that the cat has favoured this spot (in under the seat of the sofa-bed). Cats are weird.

They appear to have given Dorking train station a makeover, I appreciate the touch.

I realise that I'm 22 in less than a month, but it's when you care about things like that that you begin to age and your soul dies...

When I got to Moon's house I was presented with some cute gifts that him and his mum (and his brother, apparently) got me for graduating because I haven't been hanging out there as much as usual due to continuously trying to sort my life out. It was lovely to spend some time round there though and relax.

So I'm off to Hong Kong tomorrow, I never really get excited about going on holidays until I'm just before I'm about to get going. I'm betting that I'll be pretty much bouncing off the walls of the departure lounge this time tomorrow.
I am pretty excited really, I'm just amazed at how fast it's come around. I'm really looking forward to visiting all the places that we didn't have time to visit last time, as well as taking lots of photos. I know it's lame, but I didn't have my SLR last time and I like it, so I want to use it out there... lame...
At the moment I'm just trying to psyche myself up for the 13 hour flight... what do I fill my time with normally? I can't remember!

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