Friday 8 July 2011

Radio Jackie follow up.

So, I didn't hear anything back from Radio Jackie for a couple of days and couldn't find where they had used my photos and they didn't email me back to confirm that they had even used them at all.

I got a reply and was pointed in the right direction to look for images as well as being offered to continue providing Radio Jackie with images. They couldn't pay me and I can't work for free anymore, but as a radio station there is very little call for photographs/photographers anyway, obviously. So, although the lady I corresponded with confirmed that once Malden Fortnight is over they will use more of my images to showcase the event, unless further events with the Village Voice come up, it's unlikely that I'll be working for them until I'm earning and can afford to.

Anyway, the website has only used one of my images so far and the article can be found here or under the 'local news' section of the Radio Jackie website.

I felt that I may as well add it to this post, once I have edited my Glastonbury film I'm going to be making a move towards creating my own online portfolio from scratch using Photoshop and Dreamweaver. I have the knowledge to do this I've just never had the time and I have recently found most other portfolio-creating methods to be unsatisfactory. I would gather that it will be quite a long process but hopefully it will be worth it because I'll be able to have everything done the way that I want it. Watch this space, realistically I'm hoping that I'll get a job first, in the mean time my current portfolio can still be found here

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